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Movies in the MULTIPLEX network in the genreBallet

The art of ballet is the highest form of musical and stage genre that is not limited to a single choreography. Furthermore, choreography, which comes from the Greek words choreia - dance and grapho - I write, refers not only to dance. Its emergence is associated with the aristocracy of Italy during the Renaissance in the 16th century. The initial understanding of this type of dance was more related to a dance episode, but today's ballets are seen as complete performances. Classical ballet has a structure that is subject to a template. The beginning of each act is accompanied by a pantomime opening, followed by the main dance element, which is also the culmination expressed in complex grand pas and divertissements. The final scene is a rapid pantomime resolution. This is a synthetic art form, and therefore productions have several components. Of course, the best ballets are based on dance as the primary expressive means, closely linked not only to music, but also to the libretto - the main dramatic foundation. New ballets are very diverse - they can be divided into narrative (dramatic or multi-act classical ballet) and non-narrative - miniature, ballet-mood, or ballet-symphony. There is diversity in genres as well - it can be heroic, folk, and even humorous. Modern ballets take on increasingly unique forms in the form of modern and jazz ballet.